Selecting The Yamaha Propeller Thats Best For You
Are you looking to replace or upgrade your Yamaha propeller? Our Outboard Propellers Engineered for Performance article covered the basic engineering characteristics of a propeller. Even a casual reading will allow you to conclude that every inch and angleeven its materialmakes a difference in the way your Yamaha propeller influences your boats performance.
Finding The Right Outboard Propellers For Your Boat
When you are shopping for high performance outboard boat propellers it is important to do your homework so you choose the right replacement for your old propeller. If you fail to choose the right propeller you will not improve your boat’s performance on the water. You will need to consider size, style, and material when you are comparing all of the different top name brands on the market today. Understand how to determine which size and style is best for your boat and make the best investment of your hard-earned money. The biggest key is finding the propellers that will fit your engine, you can use the Propeller Guide at Propeller Depot to provide this list. If you have any questions in terms of which propeller you need, email or call the experts at Propeller Depot.
Prop Size and What to Consider
You may already know that not all boat propellers are the same. Understanding how they differ in size in important. Prop sizes refer to the diameter or the propeller and its pitch. Boat propellers with smaller diameters are meant for smaller board with smaller engines. As you might assume, larger propellers are designed for maneuvering larger boats. Pitch means how much the boat will move in one revolution. If you purchase a propeller with a higher pitch your boat will move faster as long as the engine is powerful enough to keep the RPMs in the right range.
Number of Blades
Which Material is Best
Aluminum Or Stainless Steel Prop
Another choice to make is choosing between aluminum and stainless-steel materials. Common with new package boats are aluminum props, which are inexpensive and repairable. Consider these differences when thinking of upgrading to stainless steel. Thinner blades and more advanced designs give stainless steel a performance edge over aluminum. Stainless costs more but is five times more durable than aluminum. Stainless props can be repaired, at a higher cost, to like-new condition, while repaired aluminum will suffer from metal fatigue and a loss of strength.
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Outboard / Stern Drive / Aluminum / Stainless Steel
Each of our boat props are constructed of high chromium stainless steel or strong, squeeze-cast aluminum. We also make plastic propellers which are suitable for small outboards. With over 1,000 blade variations of material, style, hubs, size and pitch, our propellers fit a wide range of boats from 2.5 to 400 horsepower. For multi-engine, counter-rotation offshore applications, we have an exceptional selection of left hand rotation propellers. LEARN MORE
Use our site to learn more about SOLAS boat propellers and to find which ones fit your motor, outboard, inboard outboard . We have a PROP FINDER, articles, videos, hub installation guides and a DEALER LOCATOR for your convenience.
Are More Blades On A Prop Better
Contrary to popular belief, many boaters think that propping their boat with a prop containing more blades equates to better performance. To an extent, this is true. However, we have to consider several other variables such as the physics of the boat, propeller, and the water.
The more a boat is submerged in the water, the more drag is created. In turn, the more contact we have with the water, the better overall control we have of the boat. Nevertheless, more water contact also means slower boat speeds.
This concept also applies to the number of blades that the prop contains the more blades a prop has, the more drag it creates, in turn giving us a lower top-end wide throttle speed.
Running the correct prop, in the long run, is going to save you some money because it improves your mid-range cruising performance. If you are running a small prop, you will burn more fuel running higher RPMs in order to stay on plane at a decent speed.
Running too big of a prop, on the other hand, means that you will never hit wide-open throttle and this will eventually lead to carbon build up along with poor performance.
With the correct prop, we can cruise at the optimal mid-range RPM while simultaneously burning the least amount of fuel possible. A win-win for both your fun, wallet, and boat!
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Choosing The Right Pitch
If you are currently satisfied with the performance of your engine, we recommend to choose the same pitch. However, if you wish to change the performance you can consider a different pitch. For example if your engine currently makes too much or too few RPM , or if you want to use your boat for a specific purpose .
A good indicator for selecting the optimal pitch is the RPM your engine makes at ´wide open throttle´ . Each engine has a prescribed ´optimal´ RPM that it should be making at wide open throttle. This differs per engine but often it is between 4500 and 6000. You can check your manual, or check this RPM Range Chart for the most common engines.
If currently your RPM is too high, you may consider a larger pitch that will improve your top speed. If the RPM is too low, the engine is not reaching its full potential because of a too large pitch. In this case choosing a smaller pitch can result in better acceleration and higher top speed .
If youre changing pitch on a recreational boat, remember that each inch of pitch translates to a difference of approximately 200 to 300 rpm. Lowering the pitch will increase rpm and choosing a larger pitch will reduce the rpm. For example, going from a 23 pitch to a 21 pitch will increase engine rpm by about 400 to 600. For smaller horsepower engines this difference is usually bigger: one pitch can already make such a difference.
NEW: for direct advice on the optimum pitch!
Learn How Propellers Are Constructed
Propellers are comprised of different materials, shapes, and sizes to suit the broad spectrum of use cases and conditions in which a propeller must perform. If you’re looking to change your propeller for one that better suits your need, it will help to learn a little about propeller construction, types of propellers, materials used in constructing propellers, as well as the number of blades on a propeller, and other blade performance factors.
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Maximizing Horsepower Minimizing Rpm
The right propeller for your boat and engine combination is based in part on the wide-open throttle operating range for your specific engine. This information is an intersection of horsepower and RPM and can be found in your owners manual.
An optimal outboard propeller will maximize your boats performance while allowing your engine to operate in the recommended RPM range. The correct propeller will prevent the engine from over-revving and facilitate maximum horsepower with minimum RPM.
An outboard engine under load should reach the manufacturers recommended RPM at WOT, usually expressed as an RPM range. Your optimal propeller will deliver acceptable acceleration and top speed while still allowing your Yamaha outboard to reach its recommended revs at WOT.
If you get this relationship wrong, premature engine damage is too often the result.
Should You Choose A Four
Three or four blades work well in either sterndrive or outboard applications. Three-blade designs give you all-around performance with an advantage on top end speed. Four-blade designs work well with boats that are difficult to get on plane, underpowered or used in watersports where top-end speed is not critical.
The composite cores of modular hubs are designed to break away upon significant prop strikes, helping to protect the prop body and engine drive train from damage.
Four blades in many cases will drop your rpm by 50 to 150rpm with identical pitch. Three-blade props are generally best for recreational boats with three-, four- and six-cylinder outboards and sterndrives, giving good hole shot and top-end performance.
The blades on three-blade props fill up about 50 to 55 percent of the available area inside the circle formed by the props diameter . Adding a fourth blade increases the DAR to between 60 and 65 percent, so you can expect more thrust to keep your boat planing at lower rpm, a potential boost in fuel economy, but also a reduction of 50100rpm at WOT.
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Family & Watersport Boats
The Reliance family of outboard props is also great for many family boats pulling towables and boaters who participate in watersports.
Talon Pontoon
Excellent low-speed operation, providing higher thrust and control than conventional propellers on pontoons using T50-F115 outboards. Features an SDS design that requires no special hardware to function.
Dual Thrust
Harnesses the power of Yamahas high-thrust outboards for pushing heavy loads such as sailboats and pontoons, and provides outstanding reverse thrust. Standard on T9.9 and T25, optional on T50 and T60.
Pitch Prop Vs 19 Pitch Prop: Which Do You Need
by Kyle WUpdated on April 23, 2021.
Boat Safe is a community supported site. We may earn comission from links on this page, but we have confidence in all recommended products.
Your boat is very much like your car without proper maintenance and the right parts, it will give you issues and might leave you stranded while out fishing for bass. The difference between your boat and your car is that the parts arent quite the same.
While it will do you well to know how to change a flat on your car, when it comes to boating, propeller diameter and pitch are some of the most important terminologies. This is because its your propeller that actually drives the boat. So understanding a bit about it could save you a whole lot of headache down the road.
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What Material Is Best
Most outboards and IOs are originally sold with aluminum props, which are inexpensive and repairable. Inboards use three- and four-bladed props of bronze, or a nickel-bronze-aluminum alloy. Replacement props for IO or outboard boats are available in aluminum or stainless steel. These materials compare as follows:
Aluminum is the most common, least expensive material. Suitable for most outboard and sterndrive applications.
Stainless steel offers a performance advantage over aluminum due to stiffer, thinner blades and more advanced designs. Best choice at speeds over 50mph, or if your boat is running over oyster beds or sandbars regularly. Stainless costs more but is five times more durable than aluminum. Stainless props can be repaired, at a higher cost, to like-new condition, while repaired aluminum will suffer from metal fatigue and a loss of strength.
What Is A Nut Kit
The propeller is fixed on the propeller shaft with mounting parts. A nut kit usually includes a nut, cotter pin, washer and spacer. Normally you only need to replace your propeller and can re-use these parts. In case your propeller is lost while sailing you may have lost these parts as well. The right nut kit is suggested at the product page of the propeller for your engine.
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Brave New Blade Design
With modern propeller design and construction methods the three main criteria are no longer the only governing factors. Increasingly, shape is just as important.
If the diameter needs to be smaller to provide better acceleration then the blade area can be increased by adding more blades. For optimum performance, fuel economy, fast acceleration and smooth vibration-free running, it is the shape and cross section of the blades that make the crucial difference.
For the everyday boat owner blade shape is governed by the boats dimensions, its engine specifications and the owners choice of propeller manufacturer. High-tech computer-designed and machined propellers only become viable for yachts over 24m where the shape of the blades is tailored to the requirements of the vessel taking into account resistance as well as all the normal information required to build a propeller.
This Sunseeker propeller is a good example of what is required to propel a heavy high-performance craft. The total area is greatly increased by overlapping the leading and trailing edges of the blades. This avoids the problem of cavitation, but the blades are shaped to ensure water flows smoothly through the propeller
The shape of the older equipoise is reminiscent of the latest foil design although it has less blade area.
The round blade turbine propeller is still used on heavy displacement craft including commercial vessels. It has a large blade area and thick sections to resist damage.
Its A Compromise Propeller
Do you know if your current propeller fits your boat? Often, boat builders will install compromise propellers on their creations, especially if they arent sure what you plan to do on the water.
In short, these are standard propellers designed to fit a range of functions at a moderate capacity. Though theyre flexible, they arent as high-functioning as ones made for a specific use.
What happens when you install one? Youre unlikely to use it as intended because you may not know what its capable of handling.
This means you take your boat to a high-altitude lake, although its meant for use at sea level. Or, you load it down with the family camping gear when its supposed to transport a lighter weight.
Over time, this ill-fit becomes obvious. Youll notice your propeller slowing down and your water activities becoming more laborious. When that happens, its time to find a propeller that can keep up with your lifestyle.
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Choosing The Right Propeller By Crowley Marine
The right prop will get the best performance out of your boat. Matching the propeller to your application, whether cruising, water skiing or performance, maximizes the power from your engine. It also helps with handling and acceleration. Use this guide to learn how different propeller designs affect efficiency, power, and speed and then learn how to choose the correct prop for your boat and application.
Solas Propeller Installation Instructions
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How To Select A Propeller For Your Boat
Selecting the right boat propeller is an important factor in maximizing your boat’s performance. Determining the correct size and style of boat prop will keep the engine operating within its recommended RPM range and allow it to apply its maximum horsepower to the water. One of our goals at Overton’s is to help make choosing a boat propeller an easy process. We have a huge selection of props and prop accessories at great prices! Optimize your performance with the right propeller using the information below or take advantage of our propeller selector tool for help in choosing your prop.
MATERIAL – We offer propellers made of composite, aluminum, and stainless steel. Composite props offer good performance, are durable, and inexpensive. They also offer some protection for your lower unit during a prop strike. Aluminum props are the most common and are suitable for the widest range of applications since there are so many models and styles available. Stainless steel props offer the highest performance and best durability.
Select the prop size that lets your engine operate at WOT in the correct RPM range.
NUMBER OF BLADES – When the number of blades are changed, diameter and pitch may require adjusting to keep the RPMs in the proper range. For most purposes, 3 and 4-blade boat propellers can be used interchangeably on outboards and sterndrives without much of a change in performance.
What Are The Problems You Are Looking To Solve
What are some of the issues you are facing?
- Is your boat sluggish when coming out of the hole, or are you having issues hitting the kind of speeds you want?
- Is it a fuel consumption issue?
- Do you want better all-around performance?
- Maybe your current prop is ventilating excessively?
As soon as you define the problem, you will be in a much better position to find the perfect solution.
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Its Also Important To Note The Details Regarding Trimming Up During This Process
Normally you wont have the boat fully loaded when propping it out.
Its best to prop it out towards the top end of the RPM range without trimming the engine. We want to be able to add some trim to the engine and come really close to hitting the rev limiter under these conditions.
This is because whenever we load the boat up and take it out under normal conditions. There will still be room to add some trim at wide-open throttle and have the RPMs come all the way up to the top of the RPM range.
If we have to trim up the engine to get to the top of the range, then after we load the boat. We wont be able to get to the top of the range because of the additional weight that has been added to the boat.
Thats all for now folks! Now that you have a better idea of how to correctly prop your boat for the best results. Remember to share this article with a fellow boater! We also encourage you to check out one of these other helpful articles that we have written!