Thursday, September 12, 2024

How To Name Your Boat

I Spoke With A Public Affairs Officer At The Center And She Informed Me They Will Approve All Names Which Follow The Regulations That There Is No Naming Committee That Vets Applications For Tender Ears

How to Name Your Boat –

Years ago I saw a speedboat go by on Lake Erie named Wet Dream and I giggled, thinking this so risqué. And indeed, according to BoatUS this was one of the most popular names from 1994 to 1998. But no, good reader, the 122 current American vessels named Wet Dream are tame by comparison to the mischievous monikers that grace many of the boats on our lakes and oceans. And note that boat names are not like Social Security numbers, they may be issued an unlimited number of times.

Not surprisingly, legions of names extol the virtues of alcohol consumption:

  • Anita Cocktail,
  • Whiskey Business, and
  • Three Sheets.

Sexual innuendo word play is also very popular amongst boaters. So Bite Me, Berth Control, Fishing Chicks, Aquadesiac, Seaduction, For Play, Fueling Around, Master Baiter, Mother Rucker and, of course, Happy Hooker are on many, many boats. Youd think that some words would be taboo, but no fewer than 46-boats have the word sex in their names. Other owners choose to push the boundaries hard: if you sail near Seattle you may catch a glimpse of The Filthy Whore out on Lake Washington.

Oh boy, I love a good chuckle, but if we sail past some of these boats Ill have to cover my daughters eyes. I think they need to hire a couple of teenage boys at the Documentation Center to tell them what the joke is.

And of course, there are boat names that combine sex and alcohol: Sin & Tonic, Naked Women & Beer, and, well, I like writing for this magazine so I better stop there.

Fun Names Using Given Names

Want to use the name of a loved one , but still give passers-by a smile on their face? Get inspired by some of these funny Boat Name Ideas.



Over the centuries, the gods and goddesses of mythology have been used as names for vessels. Before the days of GPS, sailors used the heavens to navigate, and some still do today. Stars, celestial bodies, signs of the Zodiac, constellations, and galaxies make effective Boat Names for new owners. Also, you could use your own star sign or the signs that are associated with the launch date of your boat or name it after a god to suit the style of your boat.

What Is The Ceremony People Do Around Naming A Boat

Boats that are named without going through a ceremony are said to be afflicted with bad luck and bad weather.

A traditional boat ceremony involves:

  • Lots of good friends
  • Naming the boat by smashing a bottle of wine or champagne on the boats bow

Even if you dont believe in superstitions, its a good idea to throw a ceremony anyway.

A traditional boat naming ceremony can be a fun way to gather your friends and family together to celebrate your new boat.

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Is It Bad Luck To Rename Your Boat

The process of renaming a boat is rife with superstition. When trading was done, mainly by ships, each had a reputation. When a vessel arrived in port, it was welcomed, because the locals had developed a relationship with the traders aboard. If a ship changed its name, it was treated with suspicion until it had built up a good reputation.

Dont Poke Poseidon: The Ritual Of Naming Your Boat And Staying Afloat

Naming Your Boat

Just bought a boat? Before you jinx your new ride to a lifetime of rogue waves and wet helmsmen, make sure you know how to name it. If you dont, you risk releasing the Kraken.

Naming a new boat is one thing, but ask any boater about re-naming a used vessel and theyll shoot you a suspicious glance. Theres a lot of history and tradition involved with renaming a boat, and theyll want to make sure youre not trying to pull a fast one on the ole skipper. Even if youre not superstitious, but just a little stitious, youll find its wise to consult a deity or two before putting Tremclad over the flaking S.S. Minnow lettering. Poseidon, the Greek God of the Sea and overseer of off-shore vessels was reputed to be a pretty temperamental guy. He kept a Ledger of the Deep, a list of every vessel travelling the seven seas. If your vessel wasnt on the list, keep your PFD handy because he didnt have much patience for rule breakers. Apparently, he was a bureaucrat. Its worth following the folklore when renaming your boat, if for no other reason than its a seafaring tradition full of fun.

After considering the above, youve presumably set your ceremony for Saturday or Sunday in an effort to appease Poseidon, Thor, and your friends who work regular jobs. The ceremony itself involves some offerings to our ill-natured supervisor Poseidon, so youll want to write these down. Youll need the following:

  • Branch of green leaves

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    Tips And Tricks To Name Your Boat

    • Think Unique. A boats name should always be an excerpt of your imagination.
    • Keep It Simple. The name of your boat should never be too long to where it doesnt fit comfortably in the area of your choosing. If the name is short, memorable, and catchy, it wont be puzzling to friends, family members and other boat owners.
    • Keep It Clean. Or in other words, Keep it classy. Using a name that includes profanity could give off the wrong impression, especially if children are involved.
    • Have Fun With Puns. Short puns, clichés or other play on words can add a lot of character to the boat.
    • Find Your Inspiration.Family, friends, hobbies, a favorite song or movie serve as excellent sources of inspiration.
    • Location Is Key. In addition to choosing a name, youll also need to take into consideration the best place to put it. When it comes to designing your boat name or choosing the right color scheme and font to accentuate your boat well, you can go the DIY route or hire professionals to help you visualize your ideal boat name layout.

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    How To Name And Letter Your Boat

    wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. To create this article, 20 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has been viewed 73,053 times.

    Buying boat lettering is easy, the hard part is deciding on the boat name for your watercraft. Pick a name that creates the mood and personality you wish to convey.

    Choosing A Name For Your Boat

    Apply A New Boat Name Like A Pro [ Ways] | BoatUS

    You have just found your perfect boat. It has everything you could wish for and more. It’s practically shouting, “Buy me, buy me!”

    “Wait a minute,” you say. “I could never own a boat with a name like that!”

    Alas, naming or renaming a boat is not a task to be taken lightly it requires thought and careful consideration. Your vessel’s name may reflect the type of boat or something personal to you, or even a mix of the two. Let’s take a look at some possible names for different kinds of boats.

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    The Delicate Art Of Naming Your Boat

    While the question might be easily answered by the lovesick female lead in Shakespeare’s “Romeo and Juliet,” in the world of boating an answer isn’t as simple to come by.

    “It was harder naming my boat than it was my child because there’s just so much more to pick from,” said Scott Croft, public relations director of Boat Owners Association of the United States, or BoatUS.

    “There’s so many boat names you would never consider naming a human being.”

    Croft said boat owners looking for name inspiration often browse through the BoatUS annual listing of top boat names and experiment with a website feature that lets them design their own boat names.

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    For the second year in a row, Serenity took the top spot on the list of Top 10 boat names nationally, followed by Seas the Day.

    BoatUS compiles the list by keeping a tally of the boat names most frequently ordered from their graphics service, but in Annapolis, the sailing capital of the world and home to thousands of powerboats as well, some skippers prefer a bit more creativity when it comes to naming their home away from home.

    “We certainly see a lot of very strange, unusual and creative names,” City Harbormaster Flip Walters said.

    A partial list of registered boat names provided to The Capital by the Chesapeake Bay Yacht Racing Association showed just how thoughtful Annapolitans can be when naming their prized yachts.

    ‘God sent me a message’

    Top 10 boat names

    Make It Personal: Take A Trip Down Memory Lane

    Your unique memories from your own past could be turned into an appropriate name for your boat, for example you could use the name of a sports team or school you used to attend? Maybe a childhood pet? If you and your significant other enjoy the sailing life together, a name that pays testament to an experience you shared together may be a great way to showcase your shared passion. For example, the name of a honeymoon resort or wedding destination could be an option, or even the location of an engagement could provide unity to your sailing experience. Think outside the box1 You could also encompass cultural, regional, or navigational references. For example, if you and your partner stayed at the Da Henrietta hotel on your first trip away together, could you name her Henrietta.

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    How To Name A Boat: Inspiration Dos Donts And More

    by Joe AppletonUpdated on April 27, 2020.

    Boat Safe is a community supported site. We may earn comission from links on this page, but we have confidence in all recommended products.

    A good boat requires a good name. A nameless boat is a sorry sight to beholdand there are more nameless boats out there than youd think. Its not hard to see why. Coming up with potential boat names is no easy task. There are certain conventions you might feel obliged to follow. Cool boat names seem to be required to have a bit of wit about them. Funny boat names often need to be built on top of a hilarious and subtle pun. And naturally, these names have to be unique boat names.

    Well, thats what people think anyway. The truth is that good boat names dont have to be funny, witty, unique, or particularly clever. They just have to be special to you.

    But that still requires some thought though.

    Contrary to popular belief, you can take as long as you need to come up with a good name. Despite what tradition and superstition suggests, you can use your boat before going through the motions of a christening ceremony. A boat can remain nameless until the perfect name occurs to you. Its not going to fall under some maritime curse, and you wont anger the gods if you take it for a spin before youve given it a name.

    Even if you decided to take your time, you might still require a little bit of inspiration. Here are a few important things to keep in mind as you start your search for the best boat names.

    Thoughts Tricks And Tips For Coming Up With A Name For Your Boat Or Ship

    When you ask your gf to name the boat.
    • Let your plans for your new vessel inspire its name. If you’re using it for racing, why not throw the word “fast” in there. If it’s strictly for relaxing and taking it easy, any words associated with stress relief could be used.
    • “Here’s a yacht I would like to own!”, is a term I rarely use, but when I spend a lot of money on a sea vessel, I will make sure the name on the side is prominent and long-lasting.
    • How many people do you plan on having on your boat? Will it be just you or maybe your family and friends? Plan on throwing lots of parties, or just wasting away the day in silence by yourself?
    • The color of your ship can play a crucial role in its naming, especially if you have an unusually bold or unique color scheme. Such colors plus an unusual name will make your on-water getaway much more memorable.

    This content is accurate and true to the best of the authors knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

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    Are You Trying To Order Boat Registration Numbers

    Please read this important message.

    Our site is setup to guide you through the process of designing registration numbers. When using the proper section of our site we provide additional guidance, alert common issues, and sell numbers in a pair . However, this isn’t the right place for that!

    Please be aware the lettering you are designing currently is sold individually.

    Changing A Boats Name: The Boat Renaming Ceremony

    Once you are certain every reference to her old name has been removed from her, all that is left to do is to prepare a metal tag with the old name written on it in water-soluble ink. You will also need a bottle of reasonably good Champagne. Plain old sparkling wine wont cut it. Since this is an auspicious occasion, it is a good time to invite your friends to witness and to party. Begin by invoking the name of the ruler of the deep as follows:

    Oh mighty and great ruler of the seas and oceans, to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage, implore you in your graciousness to expunge for all time from your records and recollection the name which has ceased to be an entity in your kingdom. As proof thereof, we submit this ingot bearing her name to be corrupted through your powers and forever be purged from the sea.

    In grateful acknowledgment of your munificence and dispensation, we offer these libations to your majesty and your court.

    It is usual for the renaming ceremony to be conducted immediately following the purging ceremony, although it may be done at any time after the purging ceremony. For this portion of the proceedings, you will need more Champagne. Much more actually, because you have a few more gods to appease. Begin the renaming by again calling Poseidon as follows:

    Of course, any champagne remaining will be the beginnings of a suitable celebration in honor of the occasion.

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    Use Puns And Double Meanings

    A great way to get attention through your boat name is to use humor. In our opinion, there is no boat name better than one that makes you look twice and laugh. Names like these can include: Pier Pressure, Happy Hour, and Cool Whip. Using names with puns or double meanings allows you to be creative and use your own sense of humor when picking a boat name!

    How To Rename A Boat

    How To Apply a Boat Name easily like a pro

    There is a lot of superstition around renaming a boat . . . and for good reason. If you talk to enough boat owners, or walk around your local harbor, there are always a handful of boats with wacky names because people are afraid to rename their boat. Okay, some folks just dont have good taste!

    If you do not properly rename your boat, you are doomed to a lifetime of bad luck. Fortunately, properly renaming a boat is not impossible if you follow this systematic process. Before you rename a boat at a christening ceremony, you must systematically remove/cover all instances of the boats old identity. It is critical that the old name is completely removed before you say the new name out loud, or bring anything on the boat with a new name. Be patient and thorough while removing all instances of the previous name. If you get through the whole process, christen your boat and then find a trace of the old name, we suggest christening again!

    Youll want to eliminate the old name on the boat itself by removing the exterior paint or lettering however, youll also need to check whether the boat has ever been repainted. If so, you need to get down to previous layers and literally scrape off the old name. It is not enough to just paint over the old name.

    The same applies for the interior of the boat. Make sure any fixtures badges, engravings, upholstery, or decorations with the old name are obliterated or removed.

    My friends are enjoying the show.

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    Helpful Tips For Naming A Boat

    Once youve purchased your boat, its time to find the perfect name. Regardless of what type of vessel youre naming, there are several things you should keep in mind.

    In this article, well cover everything you need to know about naming your boat.

  • Your boat name says a lot about you
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