How Far Is Anchorage From Seattle
There are several ways to calculate distances between Los Angeles and Chicago. Here are two common methods:
Vincenty’s formula
- 2331.055 kilometers
- 1258.669 nautical miles
Vincenty’s formula calculates the distance between latitude/longitude points on the earths surface, using an ellipsoidal model of the earth.
Haversine formula
- 2325.644 kilometers
- 1255.747 nautical miles
The haversine formula calculates the distance between latitude/longitude points assuming a spherical earth .
Distance From Seattle Wa To Dutch Harbor Ak
The total driving distance from Seattle, WA to Dutch Harbor, AK is 3,430 miles or 5520 kilometers.
The total straight line flight distance from Seattle, WA to Dutch Harbor, AK is 1,953 miles.
This is equivalent to 3143 kilometers or 1,697 nautical miles.
Your trip begins in Seattle, Washington. It ends in Dutch Harbor, Alaska.
Your flight direction from Seattle, WA to Dutch Harbor, AK is Northwest .
The distance calculator helps you figure out howfar it is to get from Seattle, WA to Dutch Harbor, AK.It does this by computing the straight line flying distance and the driving distance if the route is drivable.It uses all this data to compute the total travel mileage.
West Access Route And Alaska Highway
This is the best route for anyone coming from the West Coast of the US who prefers to avoid the more remote Cassiar Highway in favor of the still-remote-but-less-so road.
This route is the same as above as far as the town of Prince George in Northern British Columbia. Continue beyond Prince George on Highway 97. If you dont care about the sign that tells you you are at the start of the Alaska Highway, take the cut off and save 25 miles. Otherwise, continue into the town of Dawson Creek, the official start of the Alaska Highway. Youre still on BC Highway 97, but now youre officially on the Alaska Highway!
Total driving distance from Seattle to where the Cassiar meets the Alaska Highway on this route is just under 1400 miles.
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Cruises From Washington To Alaska
The other way to reach Alaska by sea from Washington is aboard a cruise ship, which is by far the most popular way of traveling to Southeast Alaska. Seattle is a popular departure port for cruises headed to Southeast Alaska. The Southcentral Alaska ports of Seward and Whittier are also popular ports of call, and stops at other ports including Unalaska/Dutch Harbor in the Aleutian Chain and even the Western Alaska city of Nome are becoming more common.
Cruise To Alaska Like A Local
Calling all adventurers seeking to see the real Alaska: The best highway is on the water! In fact, the only highway to most of lower Alaskas villages is by sea. Each Friday, the Alaska Ferry departs from Bellingham, Washington to access Americas remote north through the awe-inspiring Inside Passage. This is how the locals travel, and visitors seeking an authentic experience are welcome to share the ride.
The Bellingham Cruise Terminal, in Bellingham’s Historic Fairhaven District, is the southern starting point for the Alaska Marine Highway System. Navigating the nation’s first marine scenic highway, the ferry departs Bellingham regularly transporting passengers and vehicles between Alaska and the lower 48 states. There is an additional ferry on alternating Saturdays typically during the summer months that reaches as far as Whittier allowing visitors to see all Alaska has to offer. Visit the Alaska Marine Highway System website for complete schedules and details.
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Hells Gate Tram/fraser River Canyon
- Where it is: On the Trans Canada Highway north of Hope, British Columbia
- Why its awesome: Canada seems to be full of trams and gondolas and Ive never met one I didnt like! Even if you dont stop, this section of the drive through the narrow Fraser Canyon is beautiful. The tram is a wonderful way to get out of the car and view the scenery from above
Scenic Detours When Driving From Seattle To Vancouver
The drive along the busy I-5 interstate is not particularly scenic, but if you have time to spare you can make a detour and enjoy some spectacular scenery and attractions along the way.
Two historic towns worth stopping at are La Conner, just before the junction with Fidalgo Island, and Fairhaven, just south of Bellingham. The latter is a charming village filled with art galleries and boutiques.
In late Spring, Mount Vernon is ablaze with color from the extensive tulip fields that cover this sheltered area. In fact, more tulip bulbs are grown in Mount Vernon than in the Netherlands, which is world-famous for its spring bulbs!
You can find tours to do in Seattle right here.
A fantastic scenic detour can be taken along Hwy 525 from Seattle which snakes across Whidbey Island and Fidalgo Island in Puget Sound. It adds around 30 miles and about an hour to your journey, but the fun experience and superb bay views are well worth the slower journey.
This trip includes Deception Pass State Park which offers waterfalls, boating, trails, wildlife spotting and beach activities for those with an hour or two to spare.
Another breathtakingly beautiful stretch of road is Chuckanut Drive between Bow and Fairhaven in Washington State. If you want a short detour for a picnic lunch, this is definitely a must-do.
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Cruising In A Small Boat To And Around Alaska
No matter how you get there, Alaska is a vacation paradise.
But going in a small boat may be one of the most exciting and rewarding ways to do it.
Sure, it’s exciting to see humpback whales from the deck of a cruise ship.
But when they are nearly as large as your 42-foot boat and frolic only yards away as you’re reeling in 20-pound king salmon, it’s a thrill never to be forgotten.
Sure, cruise ships are known for fine dining.
But it’s difficult to beat rushing fresh-caught salmon, halibut or Dungeness crab from the water to the galley to the table of your small boat.
Sure, the snowy mountains and sprawling ice fields in Glacier Bay are majestic.
But there’s something extra special about carefully guiding your small craft through miles of icebergs – some as large as railroad boxcars – to find glaciers glistening in the sun. And top that off by snaring a small iceberg to chill the wine.
Sure, we saw the same scenery as the folks on the big cruise ships.
But there’s a another, more personable, perspective when you’re 10 feet above the water instead of 10 stories above.
Going to Southeast Alaska on your own in a small boat, as we did last year, leaves memories that will never fade:
— Anchoring in Glacier Bay’s isolated North Sandy Cove two nights instead of one because of the quiet and the chance to see a sow bear and her three cubs frolic on the beach.
— Counting the hordes of bald eagles on patrol for a fish dinner.
How To Travel To Alaska From Washington
If you already know that Alaska is, in fact, part of the United States not part of Canada or its own country then you’re way ahead of half the shipping companies in the nation, which still insist on charging Alaskans international rates. But that might also leave you with the very reasonable question of how to get there. If you start from Washington state, you can travel to Alaska by road, air or sea.
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Seattle To Vancouver: Transportation Tips For A Cruise Vacation
The best ways for traveling from Seattle to Vancouver for a cruise vacation. Covering the different transportation options and routes.
Traveling from Seattle to Vancouver involves two differentcountries even though these cities are only 142 miles apart.In fact, Seattle is closer to Vancouver than it is to Portland, OR! Travelerswill need a valid passport or officially accepted documentation proving UScitizenship in order to cross the international border.
The trip between the two cities of Seattle and Vancouver ispopular with cruisers as both are major cruise ports. They are also touristdestinations in their own right. It makes sense that if you are visitingSeattle or Vancouver to take a cruise you might want to visit the other majorcity as part of your West Coast itinerary.
There is a huge variety of options for traveling from Seattle to Vancouver, or vice versa. You can travel easily by train, bus, car, or even by ferry between these two port cities.
You can also fly, but the time, hassle and visas/travel permits required in what is considered an international flight can negate the convenience. We outline the full details of the best ways to travel from Seattle to Vancouver in our detailed article.
East Access Route And Alaska Highway Through The Canadian Rockies Or Calgary
If youre coming from the Rocky Mountain West, the Midwest, the South or the East Coast, then the best route for you is to come through the Canadian Rockies or Calgary, Alberta.
You have a few options here. The fastest way is to take the shortest route to Calgary, then the Red Deer Expressway north of the Canadian Rockies National Parks to meet up with the start of the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, British Columbia.
Many people like to include a trip to Glacier National Park and the Canadian National Parks of Banff and Jasper on to their drive to Alaska. Its a little more out of the way if youre coming from the West Coast, but its almost on the way for those coming from the rest of the US. You can visit those parks and then head north from Jasper to Grand Prairie to meet up with the start of the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek.
Total driving distance from Missoula, MT to where the Cassiar meets the Alaska Highway on this route is about 1500 miles. The distance going through the parks is about the same, but it takes longer.
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When Is The Best Time To Drive To Alaska
The short answer is, whenever you have time! The highway is open all year, though there can be significant delays in winter and not everything is open. You also need to be very self sufficient and prepared for extreme cold in winter. Ill assume for this article youre planning to drive during the summer or the shoulder season .
You can encounter snow and ice as late as mid May and as early as early September, so keep this in mind if youre driving during those months.
Almost everything along the highway is open from mid May through early September.
Construction happens all summer and shoulder season, so you cant really avoid that unless youre driving in the winter. Bugs will be most intense in June and July, though you may encounter them earlier in the summer as well, and possibly later depending on how dry and cold the late summer is.
If you want to see the Northern Lights on your trip, then plan your drive to Alaska for late August or September, when its dark enough to see them!
In most of Alaska, the Yukon and Northern BC, it doesnt get dark at night in May, June, July or early August. The further south you go, the more darkness there is.
It’s Easy To Make A Alaska State Ferry Reservation
First check the online schedules here. Enter the date you wish to travel and it will return the closest date to your selection. Explore the other options to find your favorite!
OR….simply make an online reservation now on the Alaska State Ferry website.
If you prefer, you can call either 642-0066 or 465-3941 to have a reservation specialist assist you with your booking.
***Important***Be sure to know the length, height, & width of your vehicle before you make a reservation – don’t guess! The vehicles will be measured by Alaska State Ferry personnel! You will also need to provide the full name, date of birth, & citizenship of each passenger and, if traveling to or from Prince Rupert, their passport information.
Oh, and just for fun….did you know….the Alaska State ferries are often called the ‘poor man’s cruise ship’ as they make stops in the same ports as the cruise ships and you can literally jump on with a tent & sleeping bag and spend your nights on the sundeck cruising up and down the Alaska coast!
AND…The Society of American Travel Writers recently named Blue Canoes of the Alaska State Ferry System one of the Top 10 most exciting ferry rides in the world! It’s worth mentioning, even if it isn’t the Inside Passage route. 🙂
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How Far Is Seattle From Anchorage
There are several ways to calculate distances between Los Angeles and Chicago. Here are two common methods:
Vincenty’s formula
- 2331.055 kilometers
- 1258.669 nautical miles
Vincenty’s formula calculates the distance between latitude/longitude points on the earths surface, using an ellipsoidal model of the earth.
Haversine formula
- 2325.644 kilometers
- 1255.747 nautical miles
The haversine formula calculates the distance between latitude/longitude points assuming a spherical earth .
How To Drive To Alaska: Everything You Need To Know
If youre ready for the epic road trip adventure of a lifetime, then a drive to Alaska on the Alaska Highway just might be for you! Ive driven to Alaska six times and this article will tell you everything you need to know to decide if this road trip is right for you and everything you need to know to plan your trip. Ive also included a few of my favorite stops and side trips along the way!
This is a long article with lots of important information. If youre looking for something specfic, use these links to find what youre looking for quickly:
Fall 2021 note:Canada has opened its border to fully vaccinated travelers from most other countries. A negative test and using the ArriveCAN app is also required. Read all the details here.
This post contains affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases
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Traveling With Pets On The Alaska Marine Highway
Pets are welcome aboard the ferry but must remain on the car deck while underway. However, you are given the opportunity to visit with them several times per day during extended sailing legs.
A small fee is charged for pets traveling from Bellingham, WA or Prince Rupert, BC , but pets travel free to all other ports in Alaska. Service animals accompanying a disabled person travel free.
Your pet must have a health certificate with proof of current rabies vaccination, issued within 30 days of travel. If you’re traveling through Canada, proof of a rabies vaccination within the last three years is required, but passengers should check directly with Canadian customs for additional information.
How To Prepare Your Vehicle To Drive To Alaska
Any reliable road worthy vehicle will be totally fine to drive to Alaska. Its overall reliability is much more important than any specific capabilities . This is a long road trip with long distances between services and more construction than a typical road trip, but the road itself does not require anything in particular from your vehicle. I have driven the Alaska Highway in a Honda Accord, a Chevy Astro minivan, a Toyota 4 Runner and a Ford F-250. All of them were just fine.
There are a few things you can do to help you and your vehicle be ready:
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Ferry To Ketchikan: Ketchikan Alaska
Ketchikan is located in the heart of Alaska and is accessible only by air and by sea .
Because there are no roads into or out of Ketchikan, travel by ferries is the major form of transportation & must be booked well in advance.
As the 1st stop in Alaska for the Marine Highway ferries travelling up the Inside Passage from Bellingham WA to Ketchikan and for ferries travelling from Prince Rupert BC to Ketchikan, the city is an immensely popular spot
A major attraction for visitors is the towns’ collection of totem poles – the largest collection of its kind in the world- which gives evidence to the rich culture of the Tlingit people
Irresistible shopping guided bus & trolley tours of Ketchikan’s historical sights sport fishing float plane tours all contribute to making Ketchikan both a special place to visit and an unforgettable experience
Ferry reservation help is available 24/7 through
Liard River Hot Springs
- Where it is: Between Muncho Lake and Watson Lake along the Alaska Highway in Northern BC
- Why its awesome: This gorgeous and developed hot springs is a must stop on the drive to Alaska! Its located inside Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Park and has camping as well as a road house nearby. I highly recommend staying the night here which gives you the most soaking opportunities. In addition to the hot springs, there is plenty of opportunity to see an interesting mix of plant life that is able to survive in this otherwise harsh climate because of the hot water. This is a good place to see moose!
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Tok To Anchorage Or Fairbanks
Once you arrive in Tok, youll go a different direction to go to Anchorage and the Kenai Peninsula than Fairbanks and Denali National Park. By the way, you can make a loop driving the Parks Highway between Anchorage and Fairbanks.
For Anchorage, youll head south and west from Tok towards Glennallen and the Glenn Highway, taking you to Anchorage in about 320 miles.
For Fairbanks, youll head north and west through Delta Junction for about 200 miles. If youre heading to Denali National Park, head to Fairbanks and then south on the Parks Highway for another 120 miles.
Check out my Alaska itineraries for independent travelers for ideas on how to build your road trip once you are in Alaska!